Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bonjour mes amis!

I have finally gotten settled in France and it feels good to finally sit down and tell you all what I have been up to! It has been quite the journey so far and I promise you it started out in classic 'Mollie' style.

After saying good by to Maggie, Dom and the twinnos I made my way through security at the Santa Fe airport, only to find that I have left our pink nalgene water bottle sitting on a chair in the waiting area....thank goodness Santa Fe has a total of 5 flights out per day and security takes about 1.5 minutes to get through. The very kind TSA man let me go get my bottle....

I then hopped on my super duper tiny plane to Dallas. I do not recommend flying out of Santa Fe. It is very bumpy. But, I made it and spent the next 9 hours on a plane to London. International flights are pretty awesome. I got 2 meals, and got to watch tv and movies. It was great. By the way...what is it about talking to British people that makes us all start pretending we are British? I'm sure its offensive, but I can't seem to help it. My accent from another life just comes out of nowhere. I can't control it.

Other than school, I haven't had much chance to explore, hence the lack of photos at this time, but I have learned a lot....

1) A 'cafe' in France, means espresso. And it comes in a cup proportionally sized to someone around the age of 5.

2) 'fromage blanc' is not yogurt. It looks like yogurt and is in the yogurt section at the grocery store, but instead tasted like a cross between plain yogurt and sour cream. apparently, it is similar to yogurt without active cultures,  and can be baked with or served with fruit, but i'm not sure i get it yet. However, I have a pint of it, so I suppose I should find something to do with it.

3) I will be returning home 10 pounds heavier due to the bakeries and ice cream shops on every corner. (I will be keeping a running list of my favorite desserts). So far...I have tried 'amarena', or 'sour cherry'. I of course, was not aware this was the flavor when I ordered it. It will not be on the top of my list :)

4) when at the grocery store, you must weigh your own produce and ask for plastic bags before the cashier scans your food, or the line of 10 people behind you that you hold up will be VERY upset and you will be embarrassed.

5) The show 'toddlers and tiaras' is still ridiculous in French

I promise I will be taking pictures and having adventures once I get myself more oriented. But I wanted you to know I'm alive :) I also have no internet at home, so my posts may be fewer than normal, but I will do my best!

Mag and I the day I left. Hot bicyclists.

Sayin' bye to my boys.

Wo-wo tried to pretend he was mad I was leaving....

But then he gave in :)

Bon Soir!

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